XrefMerge is a freeware utility stack developed to combine XrefText hypertext stacks.
One thing I've noticed in developing the XrefText stack is that with every new version (XrefText5 is current as of mid-November, 1987), I've had to go through the tedious task of cutting and pasting all the introductory cards into the new stack. Even my daily XrefText stacks, which I use as notepads, todo lists, report outlines, and brainstorm repositories, frequently seem to want to be in one file. So after putting XrefMerge together for myself, I thought others might find the utility utilitarian.
• The seven buttons on the XrefMerge stack are almost self explanatory. The first two in the upper right are the universal Help and Home buttons (If you're reading this, you've found the Help button). The others are control buttons for the merging process.
• Step 1, Select Source and Step 2, Select Destination give you a listing of stacks from which you can choose the stacks you wish to work with. Note that while this does allow you to select any stack, the merge will only work with XrefText stacks. You'll have to know which ones fit the bill.
• Step 5, Merge Source with Destination, does the work for you, transferring keywords, text body, and card names from the Source to the Destination. You can go take a break while this runs its course...it may take a while if you are dealing with large stacks.
***** Note: This will not transfer any custom buttons you might have added to an Xref card, nor will it transfer any paintwork attached to a card. You'll have to take care of these manually. Rather than lock the screen to speed up the transfer, I let it show the movements between stacks so you can spot any buttons or pictures for a later copy and paste. ******
• There are also two optional buttons, 3 Go and 4 Go, that will take you to the Source or Destination stacks, respectively if not respectfully.
I hope that XrefText users find this useful.
And those of you who have sent in your shareware registration for XrefText, I thank you.
XrefText is a practical application of HyperText for the HyperCard environment. It features non-button buttons that "stick" to text, even in scrolling fields. This allows clicking on words of text to branch out into related reference cards. XrefText also has:
• an alphabetizing index of keywords for quick access to specific topics,
• text file importation and exportation,
• printing abilities,
• new Xref stack creation,
• easily toggled paint/text formats for each card,
• and a custom button for your Home Card.
XrefText is a shareware stack, with a registration fee of only $7.50, and is available on GEnie, CompuServe, and hopefully from your local user group.